Maria Sarungi Tsehai, a renowned Tanzanian activist, journalist, and filmmaker, has once again found herself in the crosshairs of oppressive forces. Known for her bold advocacy for democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression, Sarungi’s unyielding commitment to truth has made her a target of relentless intimidation.
Recently, she faced a harrowing ordeal when she was abducted by unknown individuals in Nairobi. The incident occurred in the bustling Kilimani neighborhood, where she was intercepted, forcibly taken into a van, and driven to an undisclosed location. Despite the traumatic experience, Sarungi’s resolve remains firm. “If this was meant to intimidate me, it has failed. I will not stop advocating for justice and democracy,” she declared.
Sarungi’s activism has always been characterized by her fearless critique of governance in Tanzania and her calls for accountability. She founded the “Change Tanzania” movement, a digital platform encouraging citizens to engage in societal transformation. Her work extends beyond activism; she is a filmmaker and communication expert, with notable productions like Am Tired and Born on Fire.
Her relocation to Nairobi was a response to increasing hostility in her homeland, particularly during the late President John Magufuli’s regime, which issued an arrest warrant against her. Nairobi provided a safer environment for Sarungi to continue her advocacy, but the recent abduction underscores the far-reaching threats faced by outspoken activists, even in exile.
The incident has sparked widespread condemnation from human rights organizations and public figures. Activists have decried the targeting of dissidents in what should be a sanctuary for free expression. Amnesty International Kenya and other advocacy groups have called for an immediate investigation into the abduction, emphasizing the need to protect individuals like Sarungi who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of justice.
Her husband, David, expressed deep concern during her disappearance, describing the ordeal as the most terrifying experience of his life. He attributed the abduction to her outspoken stance against oppressive systems, saying, “Maria’s commitment to democracy and human rights has always come at a cost, but this is beyond alarming.”
Sarungi’s career spans decades of fearless journalism, strategic communication, and filmmaking. She holds a degree in Humanities from Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary and has used her expertise to champion the rights of marginalized communities. She owns Compass Communication, a strategic communication firm, and runs Kwanza TV, an online platform amplifying issues often overlooked by mainstream media.