The International Sports Press Association (AIPS) now says world cup champions Argentina must apologize for insulting journalists during their victory over France last month in Qatar.
In an end of year statement, AIPS president Gianni Merlo said Argentina’s celebrations were way off base and insulted journalism as a profession.
“The world cup was very successful. But at the end of this event, the team of Argentina in their mixed zone sang a song that was disrespectful to us. They insulted our profession” he said.
Lionel Messi and his teammates chanted a song in front of the media that was deemed abusive and out of touch after beating France in post-match penalties.
“Support the national team, support them to the death because I love Argentina, because it’s an emotion I carry in my heart.” the players sang.
“And I don’t care what those f*****g journalists say!”
Merlo added: “I know that they were full of joy, but even in the joy they have to be careful not to insult other people because we are there to work with them for a better sport in the future, I hope that they will apologize for their position because I believe that champions and journalists must work together to defend the principles of sports, the freedom of sports, the freedom of expression…”
AIPS, is an umbrella body of Sports Journalists covering more than 160 countries, founded in 1924. Merlo is latest to draw attention to Argentina’s celebration which many believe went too far.
Argentina’s goalkeeping maestro Emiliano Martínez is on record mocking France’s forward Kylian Mbappé in the dressing room shouting: “A minute of silence for Mbappé who died!”
He was also spotted holding a doll with Mbappé’s face on it during the trophy parade in Buenos Aires.